Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy

Ядерна фізика та енергетика
Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy

  ISSN: 1818-331X (Print), 2074-0565 (Online)
  Publisher: Institute for Nuclear Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  Languages: Ukrainian, English
  Periodicity: 4 times per year
  DOI: 10.15407/jnpae

  Open access peer reviewed journal

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2023, Vol. 24   1   2   3   4
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2020, Vol. 21   1   2   3   4
2019, Vol. 20   1   2   3   4
2018, Vol. 19   1   2   3   4
2017, Vol. 18   1   2   3   4
2016, Vol. 17   1   2   3   4
2015, Vol. 16   1   2   3   4
2014, Vol. 15   1   2   3   4
2013, Vol. 14   1   2   3   4
2012, Vol. 13   1   2   3   4
2011, Vol. 12   1   2   3   4
2010, Vol. 11   1   2   3   4
2009, Vol. 10   1   2   3   4
2008, Vol.   9   1(23)   2(24)   3(25)
2007, Vol.   8   1(19)   2(20)   3(21)   4(22)
2006, Vol.   7   1(17)   2(18)
2005, Vol.   6   1(14)   2(15)   3(16)
2004, Vol.   5   1(12)   2(13)
2003, Vol.   4   1(09)   2(10)   3(11)
2002, Vol.   3   1(07)   2(08)
2001, Vol.   2   1(03)   2(04)   3(05)   4(06)
2000, Vol.   1   1(01)   2(02)

On numeration of issues and volumes

Vol. 14, issue # 3, 2013


Superheavy element research at the velocity filter ship (*)

S. Heinz

Pages 217–223; PDF Abstract (en)   PDF Abstract (ru)   PDF Abstract (ua)   PDF Full Text (en)


How does the carbon fusion reaction happen in stars? (*)

X. Tang, B. Bucher, X. Fang, M. Notani, W. P. Tan, Y. Li, P. Mooney, H. Esbensen, C. L. Jiang, K. E. Rehm, C. J. Lin, E. Brown

Pages 224–232; PDF Abstract (en)   PDF Abstract (ru)   PDF Abstract (ua)   PDF Full Text (en)


Description of nucleon transfers processes by a coupled channel method with two-center states (*)

V. V. Samarin

Pages 233–238; PDF Abstract (en)   PDF Abstract (ru)   PDF Abstract (ua)   PDF Full Text (en)


Energy dependence of the 16O + 12C potential of interaction

O. A. Ponkratenko, V. V. Uleschenko, Yu. O. Shyrma

Pages 239–246; PDF Abstract (en)   PDF Abstract (ru)   PDF Abstract (ua)   PDF Full Text (ua)


Deuteron nuclear interaction potential with heavy nuclei in single folding model

O. V. Babak, V. P. Verbytskyi, O. D. Grygorenko

Pages 247–251; PDF Abstract (en)   PDF Abstract (ru)   PDF Abstract (ua)   PDF Full Text (ua)


Dependence of resonances parameters from mass number

M. M. Pravdivy, I. O. Korzh

Pages 252–258; PDF Abstract (en)   PDF Abstract (ru)   PDF Abstract (ua)   PDF Full Text (ua)


The bolometric way towards the direct dark matter detection: the EDELWEISS experiment and the EURECA prospect (*)

C. Nones

Pages 259–264; PDF Abstract (en)   PDF Abstract (ru)   PDF Abstract (ua)   PDF Full Text (en)


Emission of conductivity electrons from metals, produced by ions

A. Ya. Dzyublik, V. Yu. Spivak, A. V. Chaus

Pages 265–270; PDF Abstract (en)   PDF Abstract (ru)   PDF Abstract (ua)   PDF Full Text (en)


Yields of e0-electrons from the target surface by bombarding it by α-particles of different energies in the range from 0.9 to 5.5 MeV

V. T. Kupryashkin, L. P. Sidorenko, A. I. Feoktistov, V. A. Lasko

Pages 271–275; PDF Abstract (en)   PDF Abstract (ru)   PDF Abstract (ua)   PDF Full Text (ru)


Modeling of the corium cooling and loading factor analysis for containment during severe accidents

O. V. Konoval, Ali Kalvand, I. V. Kazachkov

Pages 276–287; PDF Abstract (en)   PDF Abstract (ru)   PDF Abstract (ua)   PDF Full Text (ru)


Mobility of 90Sr and 137Cs in soils characterized with contrasting properties

Yu. O. Ivanov, S. E. Levchuk, Yu. V. Khomutinin, O. M. Kadygrib, L. V. Yoschenko, V. V. Pavliuchenko

Pages 288–294; PDF Abstract (en)   PDF Abstract (ru)   PDF Abstract (ua)   PDF Full Text (ru)


Faunistic complexes as the object of radioecological monitoring

V. A. Gaychenko

Pages 295–298; PDF Abstract (en)   PDF Abstract (ru)   PDF Abstract (ua)   PDF Full Text (ua)


New approach to the approximation of «dose – effect» dependence during the human somatic cells irradiation

V. F. Chekhun, E. A. Dyomina, M. O. Druzhyna, A. N. Kalinkevich, M. O. Zhovner, S. O. Vershynsky, V. Yu. Storizhko

Pages 299–303; PDF Abstract (en)   PDF Abstract (ru)   PDF Abstract (ua)   PDF Full Text (ua)


CBM experiment. Characterization studies of the detector modules for silicon tracking system

I. V. Panasenko, V. M. Pugatch, J. M. Heuser, V. O. Kyva, I. E. Sorokin

Pages 304–306; PDF Abstract (en)   PDF Abstract (ru)   PDF Abstract (ua)   PDF Full Text (en)

(*) The report was presented at the 4-th International Conference "Current Problems in Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy", 3 - 7 September 2012, Kyiv, Ukraine