Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy

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Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy

  ISSN: 1818-331X (Print), 2074-0565 (Online)
  Publisher: Institute for Nuclear Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  Languages: Ukrainian, English
  Periodicity: 4 times per year
  DOI: 10.15407/jnpae

  Open access peer reviewed journal

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2024, Vol. 25   1   2
2023, Vol. 24   1   2   3   4
2022, Vol. 23   1   2   3   4
2021, Vol. 22   1   2   3   4
2020, Vol. 21   1   2   3   4
2019, Vol. 20   1   2   3   4
2018, Vol. 19   1   2   3   4
2017, Vol. 18   1   2   3   4
2016, Vol. 17   1   2   3   4
2015, Vol. 16   1   2   3   4
2014, Vol. 15   1   2   3   4
2013, Vol. 14   1   2   3   4
2012, Vol. 13   1   2   3   4
2011, Vol. 12   1   2   3   4
2010, Vol. 11   1   2   3   4
2009, Vol. 10   1   2   3   4
2008, Vol.   9   1(23)   2(24)   3(25)
2007, Vol.   8   1(19)   2(20)   3(21)   4(22)
2006, Vol.   7   1(17)   2(18)
2005, Vol.   6   1(14)   2(15)   3(16)
2004, Vol.   5   1(12)   2(13)
2003, Vol.   4   1(09)   2(10)   3(11)
2002, Vol.   3   1(07)   2(08)
2001, Vol.   2   1(03)   2(04)   3(05)   4(06)
2000, Vol.   1   1(01)   2(02)

On numeration of issues and volumes

V.I. Slisenko
  Full Member of NASU
  Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
  Director of Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU (Kyiv)

V.I. Sugakov
  Corresponding Member of NASU
  Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
  Head of Department of Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU (Kyiv)
V.V. Tryshyn
  Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
  Deputy Director of Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU (Kyiv)
  Head of Department of Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU (Kyiv)

V.I. Tretyak
  Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor
  Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU (Kyiv)

V.E. Aushev
  Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor
  National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv (Kyiv)
M.D. Bondarkov
  Doctor of Technical Sciences
  Chornobyl Center for Nuclear Safety, Radioactive Waste and Radioecology (Slavutych)
L.A. Bulavin
  Full Member of NASU
  Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
  National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv (Kyiv)
V.V. Chumak
  Doctor of Biological Sciences
  National Research Center for Radiation Medicine of NAMSU (Kyiv)
F.A. Danevich
  Corresponding Member of NASU
  Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
  Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU (Kyiv)
V.Yu. Denisov
  Full Member of NASU
  Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
  Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU (Kyiv)
V.A. Gaichenko
  Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
  National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv)
I.M. Gudkov
  Full Member of Nat. Ac. of Agricultural Sci.
  Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
  National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv)
V.P. Gusynin
  Full Member of NASU
  Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
  Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics of NASU (Kyiv)
V.O. Kashparov
  Foreign Member of The Norvegian Academy of Science and Letters
  Candidate of Phys. and Math. Sciences & Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
  Ukrainian Institute of Agricultural Radiology (Chabany)
Ya.I. Kolesnychenko
  Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
  Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU (Kyiv)
A.I. Lypska
  Doctor of Biological Sciences
  Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU (Kyiv)
P.G. Lytovchenko
  Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
  Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU (Kyiv)
L.L. Lytvynskyi
  Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
  State Scientific Engineering Center of Control Systems and Emergency Response (Kyiv)
V.S. Marchenko
  Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
  Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU (Kyiv)
A.V. Nosovskyi
  Full Member of NASU
  Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
  Institute for Safety Problems of Nuclear Power Plants of NASU (Kyiv)
V.M. Pavlovych
  Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
  Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU (Kyiv)
E.M. Pis'mennyi
  Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
  National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" (Kyiv)
V.A. Plujko
  Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
  National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv (Kyiv)
V.M. Pugatch
  Corresponding Member of NASU
  Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
  Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU (Kyiv)
V.Yu. Storizhko
  Full Member of NASU
  Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
  Institute of Applied Physics of NASU (Sumy)
V.O. Tarasov
  Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
  Odesa National Polytechnic University (Odesa)
A.P. Voiter
  Doctor of Technical Sciences
  Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU (Kyiv)
Yu.L. Zabulonov
  Full Member of NASU
  Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
  Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of NASU (Kyiv)

R. Bernabei
  INFN sezione Rome "Tor Vergata" and University of Rome "Tor Vergata" (Rome, Italy)
A. Giuliani
  Universite Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab (Orsay, France)
K.W. Kemper
  Florida State University (Tallahassee, USA)
M. Lattuada
  INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Sud and University of Catania (Catania, Italy)
P. Ring
  Technische Universitat Munchen (Garching, Germany)
K. Rusek
  University of Warsaw (Warsaw, Poland)
S. Shlomo
  Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University (College Station, USA)