Archive of news of the journal Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy

We are grateful to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and all Ukraine's defenders against aggression of Russia, and to solidarity and support from many governments and individuals throughout the world that makes our further work possible.
Last news from the war (in English)

In protest against the aggression of Russia, supported by Belarus, and in accordance with Order #145 of the Presidium of NASU dated 7.03.2022, NPAE stops publishing papers by authors affiliated with both the countries.
Due to military aid of Iran to Russia, the same decision is also for authors from Iran (Order #375 of PNASU dated 25.07.2023).

We are sorry for not very stable work of the journal's site - this is due to periodical bombardments by Russia and absence of electricity.

16.09.2024. R. Bernabei, V.Yu. Denisov, V.P. Gusynin, P. Ring and V.I. Tretyak, members of our Editorial Board, are in the 2024 list by the Stanford University of 2% world top-cited scientists.

11.06.2024. According to the 2024 evaluation of the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR), Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU has position #1963 among the best 2000 world universities and research institutions (in the top 9.4% out of 20,966 ranked institutions worldwide; 4th place in Ukraine). Only 4 Ukrainian institutions are in the list.

3.05.2024. Congratulations to member of our Editorial Board V.O. Kashparov with election to the foreign members of The Norvegian Academy of Science and Letters!

25.04.2024. Congratulations to members of our Editorial Board V.Yu. Denisov, V.P. Gusynin, Yu.L. Zabulonov with election to full members, and F.A. Danevich with election to corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine! Congratulations also to V.I. Borysenko, our author and reviewer, with election to corresponding members of NASU!

25.03.2024. The journal Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy celebrates its 25th anniversary. It was founded on 25.03.1999. Respects and congratulations to all scientists who contributed to the journal creation and development, to our authors for their articles and to our readers for their interest!

6.03.2024. Congratulations to V.P. Gusynin, member of our Editorial Board, with the Bogolyubov Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2023!

19.01.2024. In the Ukrainian National H-index Ranking 2023, Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU is on position 5.

5.10.2023. R. Bernabei, V.Yu. Denisov, V.P. Gusynin, P. Ring, S. Shlomo and V.I. Tretyak, members of our Editorial Board, are in the 2023 list by the Stanford University of 2% world top-cited scientists.

15.05.2023. According to the 2023 evaluation of the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR), Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU has position #1779 among the best 2000 world universities and research institutions (in the top 8.7% out of 20,531 ranked institutions worldwide; 4th place in Ukraine). Only 6 Ukrainian institutions are in the list.

3.04.2023. In the Ukrainian National H-index Ranking 2023, Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU has position #6.

15.06.2022. Congratulations to F.O. Ivanyuk, V.T. Maslyuk and O.O. Parlag, our authors and reviewers, with the Sinelnikov Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2021!

25.04.2022. According to the new evaluation of the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR), Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU has position #1709 among the best 2000 world universities and research institutions in the last (2022-2023) rankings (in the top 8.7% out of 19,788 ranked universities worldwide; 3rd place in Ukraine). Only 6 Ukrainian institutions are in the list.

31.05.2021. Congratulations to our author V.V. Kobychev and the whole Borexino Collaboration with the 2021 Giuseppe and Vanna Cocconi Prize of the European Physical Society for an outstanding contribution to Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology: the groundbreaking observation of solar neutrinos from the pp chain and CNO cycle that provided unique and comprehensive tests of the Sun as a nuclear fusion engine!

27.05.2021. Congratulations to V.I. Slisenko, Editor in chief of our journal, and A.V. Nosovskyi, member of our Editorial Board, with election to full members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine!

27.05.2021. Congratulations to D.I. Gudkov and O.Yu. Korchin, our authors and reviewers, with election to corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine!

27.05.2021. Congratulations to K.O. Bugaev and V.M. Pugatch, members of our Editorial Board, with the Volkov Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2020!

26.04.2021. According to the new evaluation of the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR), Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU has position #1678 among the best 2000 world universities and research institutions in the last (2021-2022) rankings (in the top 8.5% out of 19,788 ranked universities worldwide; 3rd place in Ukraine). Only 6 Ukrainian institutions are in the list.

22.03.2021. Congratulations to V.E. Aushev, member of our Editorial Board, and the whole D0 and TOTEM Collaborations with discovery of odderon, an elusive three-gluon state predicted in 1973!

26.11.2020. Congratulations to our author V.V. Kobychev and the whole Borexino Collaboration with the third article in Nature, now about the first experimental observation of the CNO cycle in the Sun!

9.06.2020. According to evaluation of the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR), Institute for Nuclear Research has position #1705 among 2000 world universities and research institutions in the last (2020-2021) rankings (2nd place in Ukraine after Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv). Only 5 Ukrainian institutions are in the list.

26.03.2020. Fifty years of foundation of the Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU. Book "Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU. 50 years of scientific researches and achievements" (in Ukrainian) is here.

11.03.2020. Book "Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU. 50 years of scientific researches and achievements" (in Ukrainian) is published.

14.01.2020. Congratulations to V.Yu. Denisov and V.A. Plujko, members of our Editorial Board, with the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology 2019!

14.11.2019. Відповідно до Закону України "Про забезпечення функціонування української мови як державної" 2704-VIII від 25.04.2019 р., ст. 22, наукові видання мають публікуватися державною мовою, англійською мовою та/або іншими офіційними мовами Європейського Союзу. Процес переходу має завершитись до 16.07.2020 р. В зв'язку з цим, журнал не буде приймати на розгляд рукописи російською мовою, починаючи з 1.01.2020 р.

8.11.2019. Congratulations to the Institute for Nuclear Research, our Publisher, with the Web of Science Awards Ukraine 2019 in the category of Leader in Open Access!

25.03.2019. The journal Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy celebrates its 20th anniversary. It was founded on 25.03.1999. Respects and congratulations to all scientists who contributed to the journal creation and development, to our authors for their articles and to our readers for their interest!

25.02.2019. The journal Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy is accepted for coverage in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) available in the Web of Science, beginning with volume 18(1) (2017).

30.01.2019. Decision of The Scopus Team after re-evaluation of the journal Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy: "to continue with the indexing of this title in Scopus".

20.12.2018. Congratulations to Prof. Yaroslav Kolesnichenko, member of our Editorial Board, with the award by the Order of Merit (3rd degree) for a significant personal contribution to the development of science, strengthening the scientific and technical potential of Ukraine, many years of fruitful work and on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine!

7.11.2018. The journal Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy is included in the List of scientific professional journals of Ukraine, category "A" (order #1218 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine).

2.05.2018. Old issues of the journal Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy (# 1 - 16 published in 2000 - 2005, 2708 pages) were scanned and are on the site now. So, in electronic form, all the issues of the journal are available.

11.04.2018. Congratulations to the Institute for Nuclear Research, our Publisher, with the Web of Science Awards Ukraine 2018 in the category of International Collaborator Ukraine 2018!

7.03.2018. Congratulations to Prof. Valery Pugatch, member of our Editorial Board, with election to corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine!