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Mapping of radionuclide-contaminated agricultural land to make them available for use
Yu. V. Khomutinin*, V. O. Kashparov, M. M. Lazarev, S. E. Levchuk, V. P. Protsak, V. V. Pavliuchenko
Ukrainian Institute of Agricultural Radiology, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: A probabilistic approach on description of radionuclide contamination of agricultural land as well as crops grown on the land was suggested. The approach can be used to substantiate the possibility to make available the land for agricultural use. The approach allows to assess not only the average value of the activity concentration of radionuclides in crop, but also the probability of exceeding permissible levels. Method was successfully tested in the fields, which are allocated to the second zone of radioactive contamination. These fields are located in Narodichy district of Zhytomyr region and Polisskyi district of Kyiv region.
Keywords: 137Cs, 90Sr, soil, plants, radioactive contamination, Chernobyl accident.
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