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0+-levels and E0-transitions in 194Pt
V. T. Kupryashkin*, B. V. OstapenkoAbstract: Conversion spectrum of the K- and L-lines of E0-transitions was studied with high-resolution magnetic spectrometer π√2. The intensity of the E0-transitions (in relation to the most intense transition of 328 keV) is: 1479 keV, Ik = 2.00(5); 1547 keV, Ik = 6.1(5)⋅10-2; 2085 keV, Ik = 1.10(5)⋅10-1. For the first time, measurements of the L-peaks of the E0-transition in the region of more than 1 MeV have been made and the relation L1 / L2 = 26(7) for 1479 keV has been established. Based on the measurements, the values of parameters q2 and X were calculated for: 1479 keV - q2 = 11.5(9), X = 0.44(6); 1547 keV - q2 = 0.47(6), X = 0.020(4); 2085 keV - q2 = 61(2), X = 5.6(3). Comparison was made with existing nuclear models.
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