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Analytical expressions for calculations of scattered neutrons from the sample (scatterer) at small angles
О. О. Gritzay1, А. K. Grymalo1,*, V. A. Pshenychnyi2Abstract: Analytical expressions for calculation of yield of scattered neutrons from the two-component sample СН2 at the angles of 15, 20, 25 and 30° were received. The analysis of the range of validity of the obtained expressions depending on the structure of investigated cross sections was carried out.
Keywords: two-component sample (scatterer), scattered neutrons, transmission method, code MCNP4с.
References:1. O.O. Gritzay, A.K. Grymalo, V.V. Kolotyi et al. Research of Isolated Resonances Using the Average Energy Shift Method for Filtered Neutron Beam. Proc. of the 3-rd Int. Conf. Current Problems in Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy, Kyiv, Ukraine, June 7 - 12, 2010 (Kyiv, 2011) p. 483. https://kinr.kyiv.ua/NPAE-Kyiv2010/html/Proceedings/5/Grymalo.pdf
2. O.O. Gritzay, A.K. Grymalo, V.V. Kolotyi et al. Determination of Total Neutron Cross Section of Cr-52 With Using Average Energy Shift Method for Filtered Neutron Beam. Proc. of the 4-th Int. Conf. Current Problems in Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy, Kyiv, Ukraine, Sept. 3-7, 2012 (Kyiv, 2013) p. 430. https://kinr.kyiv.ua/NPAE-Kyiv2012/docs/NPAE-Kyiv2012-Part%202.pdf
3. Short Guide of Engineer-Physicist. Nuclear Physics, Atomic Physics (Moskva: Gosatomizdat, 1961) 508 p. (Rus)
4. V.A. Pshenichnij. Features of measurements results processing of angular scattering distributions on the filtered beams. Yaderni ta Radiatsiini Tekhnologiyi 6(3-4) (2006) 5. (Ukr) Article
5. О.О. Gritzay, M.M. Vakulenko. Development of the code for filter calculation. Proc. of the 4-th Int. Conf. Current Problems in Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy, Kyiv, Ukraine, Sept. 3-7, 2012 (Kyiv, 2013) p. 426. https://kinr.kyiv.ua/NPAE-Kyiv2012/docs/NPAE-Kyiv2012-Part%202.pdf