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Mathematical modelling of dynamics of 90Sr and 137Cs migration in components of agrocenosises soil-plant cover at the late phase of radiation accident. I. Construction of the model and its parametrization
Yu. O. Ivanov, Yu. V. Khomutinin*Abstract: Mathematical models aiming to predict 90Sr and 137Cs accumulation dynamics in perennial cereal grasses from the soils, contrasted by properties, at the late phase of the radiation accident were elaborated and parameterized. The obtained models permit to account a role of the processes determining dynamics of radionuclides intake in plants (90Sr and 137Cs carry-over from the root-inhabited layer of soil, its immobilization and physical decay).
Keywords: mathematical model, 90Sr, 137Cs, prediction of accumulation dynamics in plants, late phase of an accident.1. Yu.O. Ivanov. Chornobyl'. Zona Vidchuzhennya (Kyiv, Nauk. Dumka, 2001) p. 47. (Ukr)
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