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Numerical analysis of the self-sustaining traveling wave of nuclear fission propagated by epithermal neutrons in uranium dicarbide medium
M. R. Shcherbyna*, K. O. Shcherbyna, V. O. Tarasov, S. I. Kosenko, S. A. Chernezhenko
Odesa Polytechnic National University,
Odesa, Ukraine
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: This study investigates the self-sustaining traveling wave of nuclear fission in a uranium dicarbide medium by numerically solving a system of partial differential equations. The primary focus is on the neutron diffusion equation and nuclide balance equations, which are crucial for understanding the behavior of fission waves. By solving these equations, we aim to determine the propagation characteristics and assess the stability of nuclear fission waves in uranium dicarbide. Numerical analysis provides significant insights into the dynamics of neutron distribution and nuclide evolution, enhancing our understanding of the underlying physical processes and their implications for traveling wave reactor design.
Keywords: traveling wave reactor, epithermal neutrons, uranium dicarbide, neutron diffusion equation, reactor design, self-sustaining fission wave.
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