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Mean arrival time distributions of extensive air showers at ultrahigh energies
I. F. Hussein1,*, A. A. Al-Rubaiee1, A. F. Mkhaiber2
1 Mustansiriyah University,
College of Science, Department of Physics, Baghdad, Iraq
2 University of Baghdad,
Department of Physics, College of Education for Pure Sciences, Baghdad, Iraq
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: This paper investigates extensive air showers by estimating the muon and electron mean arrival time distributions at ultrahigh energies for various cosmic-ray particles. The Monte Carlo package AIRES (version 19.04.00) was used to perform simulations at energies of 1019 and 1020 eV. The influence of primary particles (p, 56Fe, and 16O), energies, and zenith angles (0°, 10°, and 20°) on the mean arrival time of muonic and electromagnetic shower disks created in an extensive air shower was examined. Parameterized mean arrival time distributions were calculated for secondary particles e-, e+, and μ, created by proton, iron, and oxygen nuclei at energy 1019 eV in a vertical shower. A polynomial function for these primaries in vertical showers was established using the results of this simulation. The results were compared with the KASCADE-Grande experiment and Sciutto's simulations at energy 1020 eV and θ = 0. In this work the construction of a database that can be used to compute the arrival time of elementary particles is crucial in ultra-high energy ranges through an analytic description between the time structure and the distance distribution.
Keywords: mean arrival time distribution, extensive air shower, AIRES, electromagnetic shower simulations.
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