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Comparative study between IVBM and IBM-2 models to calculate the energy levels for 162-16870Yb isotopes
D. M. Nasef*, E. T. Ellafi, S. M. El-Kadi
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Tripoli, Tripoli, Libya
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: This study uses the interaction vector boson model (IVBM) to identify negative parity band (NPB) energy levels in the 162-16870Yb isotopes series. Simultaneously, the interacting boson model-2 (IBM-2) and the IVBM model were used to determine the ground state band (GSB) energy levels of the same isotopes. The ratios RI/2 and R(I+2)/I are calculated and E-GOS (E-gamma over spin) curves are plotted to determine the properties of these nuclei in the GSB. The isotopes 16270Yb, 16470Yb, and 166-16870Yb have different symmetries. Studies have shown that the IVBM model is more consistent with experimental results than the IBM-2 model, especially at high energy levels. This study provides a valuable comparison of results from different models, improving our understanding of the energy levels and properties of these isotopes.
Keywords: E-GOS test, interacting boson model-2, interaction vector boson model, ratio test, ytterbium isotopes.
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