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Elastic scattering cross-sections of 16,18O + 120Sn reactions based on the potential of the modified Thomas - Fermi method with consideration of the core
O. I. Davydovska, V. Î. Nesterov*, V. Yu. Denisov
Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: Nucleon density distributions and nucleus-nucleus interaction potentials for the reactions 16,18O + 120Sn were obtained within the framework of the modified Thomas - Fermi method. In the calculations, all terms up to the second order in ž in the quasi-classical distribution of kinetic energy were taken into account. Density-dependent Skyrme forces were used as nucleon-nucleon interaction. Using the found potentials, cross-sections of elastic scattering were calculated, which well describe the corresponding experimental data.
Keywords: modified Thomas - Fermi method, nuclear-nuclear potential, elastic scattering cross-section, repulsion core.
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