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Decay characteristics of dense high-voltage pulse plasma discharges in water initiated by the electric explosion of iron conductor
O. A. Fedorovich1,*, L. M. Voitenko1, V. V. Hladkovskyi2, O. V. Hladkovska1
1 Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
2 Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: The article presents the results of investigations of the decay coefficients of dense plasma in impulse discharges in water initiated by an electric explosion of an iron conductor. An analysis of time-resolved and spatial emission spectra of the discharges was performed, along with the study of absorption spectra dynamics with a 5 μs interval. The electron concentration of the dense plasma was determined at different time points, allowing the determination of its decay coefficients at electron concentrations ranging from 1020 to 1021 cm-3. It was found that under equal electron concentrations in the plasma, the decay coefficients of plasma with iron impurities are consistent with the decay coefficients of plasma with tungsten impurities.
Keywords: dense plasma, electrons concentration, decay coefficient, pulse discharge in water, radiation spectra, impurities of metal atoms, spectrum sweeps, dynamics of optical spectra.
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