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A comparison between theoretical results and experimental data of transition probability B(E2), deformation parameter, and intrinsic quadrupole moments for different nuclei with mass number A = 44
A. H. Ali1,2,*
1 College of Medicine, University of Fallujah, Fallujah, Iraq
2 Biotechnology and Environmental Center, University of Fallujah, Anbar, Iraq
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: A comparison has been made between theoretical results and the experimental data for different nuclei (even-even) that possess the same mass number A = 44 and which have close values of the experimental deformation parameter such as 16S44, 18Ar44, 20Ca44 and 22Ti44. The core-polarization effects and model space were adopted through the inclusion of effective charges. Transition probability B(E2), theoretical deformation parameters, and theoretical intrinsic quadruple moments were calculated using two different interactions for each case, the first case the hasp interaction for nuclei in the sd shell, and the fpd6 interaction for nuclei in the fp shell, the second case the vpnp interaction for nuclei in the sd shell, and the kb3 interaction for nuclei in the fp shell, as well as adopted to different effective charges, such as Bohr and Mottelson effective charges, standard effective charges, and the effective charges from program NuShellX. The theoretical results of the transition probability B(E2), deformations parameters, and intrinsic quadruple moments were compared and found to be close to the experimental values for these nuclei.
Keywords: comparison, deformation parameter, effective charges, nuclei, intrinsic quadruple moments.
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