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Determination of 41Са content in NPP radioactive materials
V. О. Zheltonozhskyi, D. E. Myznikov, A. M. Savrasov*, V. I. Slisenko, D. M. Bondarkov
Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: The γ-spectra were measured of the radioactive material of the ZNPP which was irradiated by bremsstrahlung with end-point energy 18.5 MeV. Using the ratio of the 47Ca and 58Co activities, the cobalt and calcium mass ratio was determined. Using the obtained data and the measured 60Co activity in the studied sample, a method for determining the 41Ca activity was developed.
Keywords: flux-weighted average yields, photoactivation method, γ-spectrometry, calcium, cobalt.
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