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Correction of the indicators of the immune system with the help of bee pollen in conditions of the continuous combined effect of low-intensity ionizing radiation of natural and man-made origin
Î. À. Raksha-Sl³usareva1,*, P. G. Kovalenko1, Î. À. Sl³usarev1, S. Ì. Kots2, S. S. Boyeva1
1 Donetsk National Medical University, Lyman, Ukraine
2 H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: The peculiarities of the corrective effect of bee pollen on the indicators of the immune system (non-specific resistance and the immune system) of 56 conditionally healthy women living under constant exposure to low-intensity ionizing radiation of natural and man-made origin in the city of Kropyvnytskyi, Kirovohrad region, were investigated. To determine the probable radio-modification, bee pollen from the spring collection was used. The work used immunological methods of the 1st level, in-depth studies of cytomorphological changes of neutrophils and lymphocytes, as the main elements of the immune system, and also determined the hidden insufficiency of the immune system. The conducted studies showed the presence of a positive corrective effect of the course of bee pollen introduced into the diet on the indicators of non-specific resistance and the immune system in the case of the combined permanent effect of natural and man-made low-intensity radiation on the body of conditionally healthy women. The obtained corrective effect is manifested by the normalization or tendency to normalize the indicators of the cellular link of non-specific resistance to its restoration and reduction of the frequency and severity of the existing and hidden insufficiency of the content of lymphocytes, positive shifts in the number of intact and functioning neutrophils. The mechanisms of the corrective effect of bee pollen on the indicators of the immune system have been established. They include: a detoxification effect, a decrease in the level of inflammation, an increase in the number of functionally capable cells in the pool of neutrophils and lymphocytes.
Keywords: combination, constant low-intensity ionizing radiation of natural origin, constant low-intensity ionizing radiation of man-made origin, immune system, correction, bee pollen.
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