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Influence of electron irradiation with E = 2 MeV on electrophysical and optical characteristics of green InGaN/GaN LEDs
T. I. Mosiuk1,*, R. M. Vernydub1, P. G. Lytovchenko2, Yu. B. Myroshnichenko1, D. P. Stratilat2, V. P. Tartachnyk2, V. V. Shlapatska3
1 National Pedagogical Dragoìànov University, Kyiv, Ukraine
2 Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
3 L. V. Pisarzhevski Physical Chemistry Institute, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: We studied light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with quantum dots ìàde on the basis of a solid solution of In0.21Ga0.79N. Measurements of current-voltage characteristics and electroluminescence characteristics were carried out in the range of 77 ÷ 300 K. On the current-voltage characteristics in the range of 77 ÷ 150 K, areas of negative differential resistance, as well as a fine structure of radiation spectra, were detected. The results of the influence of electron irradiation (Ee = 2 MeV) on electroluminescence characteristics intensity and quantum yield of the studied samples are presented; the features of the temperature dependence of the glow intensity of irradiated LEDs were revealed.
Keywords: InGaN, light emitting diode, negative differential resistance, current-voltage characteristics, electroluminescence characteristics.
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