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Potentials of interaction of 10,11,12,13B isotopes with 12C
S. Yu. Mezhevych1,*, A. T. Rudchik1, O. A. Ponkratenko1, K. Rusek2, K. W. Kemper3, V. M. Kyrianchuk4, A. A. Rudchik1, Yu. M. Stepanenko1, V. V. Uleshchenko1
1 Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
2 Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
3 Physics Department, Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA
4 Scientific and Technical Center of National Nuclear Energy Generating Company "Energoatom", Kyiv, Ukraine
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: A comparative analysis of calculations for the 12Ñ(10Â,10Â)12Ñ elastic scattering at Ålab(10B) = 41.3 MeV, the 12Ñ(11Â,11Â)12Ñ elastic scattering at Ålab(11B) = 40.0 MeV, transfer reactions 13Ñ(11Â,12Ñ)12 and 14Ñ(11Â,12Ñ)13 at Ålab(11B) = 45.0 Ìå was performed within the coupled-reaction-channels method (CRC) using previously deduced Woods-Saxon potentials for the interaction of 10,11,12,13 + 12Ñ nuclei in the exit reaction channels, as well as potentials for these systems of nuclei generated by means of the double-folding method using theoretically modeled shapes for the distributions of protons and neutrons in 10,11,12,13 and 12Ñ. The relationship of isotopic effects (differences of the calculated CRC cross sections when replacing the potential for a given pair of nuclei by interaction potential for one nucleus with the isotope of another nucleus) with the internal structure, e.g. the shapes of nucleon density distributions in the interacting nuclei, is investigated. The shapes (radial dependence) of recently deduced Woods-Saxon potentials and potentials calculated by means of the double-folding methods for the systems of 10,11,12,13 + 12Ñ nuclei are compared. Based on the results of the analysis of experimental data, an assumption is made about the possible differences in the shapes of surface nucleon density distributions from the ones modeled theoretically in 10,11B isotopes.
Keywords: Keywords: nuclear reactions 12C(10B,10Â)12Ñ, 12C(11B,11Â)12Ñ, 13C(11B,12Ñ)12Â, 14C(11B,12Ñ)13Â, coupled-reaction-channels method, optical potentials, nucleon density distributions.
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