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Preliminary safety analysis at the decommissioning of the WWR-M research reactor
Yu. M. Lobach1,*, S. Yu. Lobach2, V. M. Shevel1
1 Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
2 Nuclear and Industrial Engineering (N.IN.E.) S.R.L., Lucca, Italy
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: Following the demands established by the current Ukrainian legislation, the Decommissioning Concept for the WWR-M research reactor was recently approved. The Concept envisages a strategy of immediate dismantling; it identifies and justifies the main technical and organizational measures for the preparation and implementation of decommissioning, the sequence of planned works and activities, as well as the necessary conditions and infrastructure. Decommissioning requires proper planning and demonstration that all planned dismantling works will be carried out safely. Presented safety assessment is a mandatory component of the Concept and the most important element of the overarching technological scheme. The purpose of the safety analysis is to provide input for detailed planning on how to ensure safety during decommissioning. Based on the results of the safety analysis, the measures to ensure radiation protection are defined while justifying their necessity and sufficiency.
Keywords: research reactor, decommissioning, dismantling, radioactive waste, radiation safety.
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