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Evaluation of cross-section data for radionuclides used in positron emission tomography by effects of level density models using EMPIRE 3.2.2 code
Glara Fuad Hasan1,2,3,*, Edrees Muhammad-Tahir Nury1, Flavia Groppi2,3
1 Department of Physics, College of Education, University of Salahaddin, Erbil, Iraq
2 Department of Physics, University of Milan, Milan, Italy
3 Accelerator and Superconductivity Laboratory (LASA), Department of Physics, University of Milan and the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), Segrate (MI), Italy
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: This work presents the evaluated results of cross-sections for natural chromium (natCr) with several nuclear reactions of natCr(d,x)52g,m+Mn, natCr(d,x)54Mn, natCr(d,x)51Cr, and natCr(d,x)48V using the statistical nuclear model EMPIRE 3.2.2 code with different level density models, for some radionuclides used in positron emission tomography. We compared the results to data sets found in literature, and data chosen from various sets of the electronic TENDL library.
Keywords: Mn radioisotopes, positron emission tomography scan, cross-section, nuclear medicine, EMPIRE 3.2.2 code.
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