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Reconstruction of high-energy part of the gamma-ray spectrum in thermal neutron capture by 113Cd
V. A. Plujko1,2,*, O. M. Gorbachenko1, K. M. Solodovnyk1, V. M. Petrenko1
1 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
2 Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: The average gamma-ray spectrum of 114Cd after thermal neutron capture in 113Cd was evaluated in units of mb/MeV. Two approaches are considered for estimation of the average gamma-ray spectrum with normalization of the experimental data: mean spectra for all gamma-energies were found by averaging frequency polygon for experimental data histogram, and mean spectra were estimated as the combination of theoretical values at low gamma-ray energies and averaging experimental data in high-energy range. The experimental spectra were evaluated from the gamma-intensities presented by Mheemeed et al. [A. Mheemeed et al. Nucl. Phys. A 412 (1984) 113] and Belgya et al. [T. Belgya et al. EPJ Web of Conf. 146 (2017) 05009]. They were normalized to the average theoretical spectrum which was calculated using EMPIRE and TALYS codes. The procedure of normalization of the high-energy part of the spectrum was described. Estimated gamma-spectra for 113Cd(n, {xγ}) reaction induced by thermal neutrons were presented.
Keywords: nuclear reaction 113Cd(n, {xγ}), thermal neutrons, average gamma-ray spectra evaluation. calculations by EMPIRE and TALYS codes, scaling approximation.
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