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The necessity of implementation of medical physicists’ certification in Ukraine
L. I. Aslamova*, Ie. V. Kulich, L.V. Shmyhliuk
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: Medical physics is a dynamic and constantly growing field of applied physics mainly directed towards the applications of physics principles to health care. Among the technological novations there is the optimization of image quality for magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound diagnostics, and computer tomography; development and use of high energy linear accelerators with sophisticated options for dose delivery; computerized treatment planning systems, record and verification systems; overall integration of computers into the routine clinical work. The key role of the medical physicist is widely recognized to ensure the safe and effective use of modern equipment for medical exposure. Medical physicists are involved in four basic activities: clinical service, research, and development, teaching, and management/administration. In addition, they should be familiar with the safety culture and promote this principle among the medical staff for the improvement of radiation safety, setting an example by their behaviour. There is no the best practice for the certification of medical physicists in international experience. The paper presents an attempt to analyse international standards and propose recommendations for the implementation of medical physicist’ certification in Ukraine. According to the authors, this will strongly influence on nation’s health.
Keywords: medical physicist, certification, radiation protection.
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