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Spectral characteristics of initial and irradiated GaAsP LEDs
R. M. Vernydub1, O. I. Kyrylenko1, O. V. Konoreva2,*, D. P. Stratilat2, V. P. Tartachnyk2, M. M. Filonenko1, V. V. Shlapatska3
1 National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv, Ukraine
2 Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
3 L.V. Pisarzhevski Physical Chemistry Institute, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: The optical characteristics of the GaAs1-õPõ output LEDs and LEDs irradiated with electrons with Å = 2 MeV, Ô = 1015 ÷ 1016 cm-2 were studied. The width of the band gap of the GaAs1-õPõ (õ = 0.45) solid solution was estimated. Its growth is caused by the heating of carriers by the field of the p-n junction. The damage coefficients of the lifetime of minority charge carriers for irradiated GaAsP LEDs have been calculated and the consequences of exposure to radiation on the operational parameter Ò1, which determines the thermal stability of the diodes, have been analyzed.
Keywords: GaAsP, light emitting diode (LED), negative differential resistance, current-voltage characteristics.
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