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Ground and excited state characteristics of the nuclei with A = 6
S. B. Doma*
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: The binding energy, the root-mean-square radius, the magnetic dipole moment, the electric quadrupole moment, and the moment of inertia of the nucleus 6Li are calculated by applying different models. The translation invariant shell model is applied to calculate the binding energy, the root-mean-square radius, and the magnetic dipole moment by using two- and three-body interactions. Also, the spectra of the nuclei with A = 6 are calculated by using the translation-invariant shell model. Moreover, the ft-value of the allowed transition: 6He(Jπ=0+;T=1)β- → 6Li(Jπ=1+;T'=1) is also calculated. Furthermore, the concept of the single-particle Schrodinger fluid for axially symmetric deformed nuclei is applied to calculate the moment of inertia of 6Li. Also, we calculated the magnetic dipole moment and the electric quadrupole moment of the nucleus 6Li in this case of axially symmetric shape. Moreover, the nuclear superfluidity model is applied to calculate the moment of inertia of 6Li, based on a single-particle deformed anisotropic oscillator potential added to it a spin-orbit term and a term proportional to the square of the orbital angular momentum, as usual in this case. The single-particle wave functions obtained in this case are used to calculate the magnetic dipole moment and the electric quadrupole moment of 6Li.
Keywords: translation invariant shell model, nuclei with A = 6, binding energy, spectrum, root-mean-square radius, magnetic dipole moment, quadrupole moment, ft-value, single-particle Schrodinger fluid, nuclear superfluidity model.
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