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Investigation of 7Bå population in reactions on nuclei of beryllium and boron with bremsstrahlung γ-rays in wide energy range
V. Î. Zheltonozhsky, D. E. Myznikov, A. M. Savrasov*, V. I. Slisenko
Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: The average cross-sections were measured at the first time for 7Bå population at bremsstrahlung end-point energies 40 and 55 MeV and for the 10B(γ,t)7Bå reaction at bremsstrahlung end-point energy 20 MeV. The theoretical calculations carried out within the framework of the software packages EMPIRE-3.2 and TALYS-1.9 demonstrate the domination of the nonstatistical processes.
Keywords: average cross-sections, activation method, γ-spectrometry, beryllium, boron.
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