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Mechanisms of 14C(11B,10B)15C reaction at energy 45 МеV for ground and excited states of 10B and 15C nuclei
S.Yu. Mezhevych1,*, A.T. Rudchik1, K. Rusek2, K.W. Kemper3, A.A. Rudchik1, O.A. Ponkratenko1, S.B. Sakuta4
1 Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
2 Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
3 Physics Department, Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA
4 Russian Research Center "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow, Russia
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: New experimental data for differential cross-sections of the reaction 14C(11B,10B)15C at Еlab(11B) = 45 MeV were obtained for transitions to the ground and excited states of the exit reaction channel nuclei. The experimental data were analyzed within the coupled-reaction-channels method (CRC). The 14C + 11B elastic scattering channel as well as channels for one- and two-step transfers of nucleons and clusters were included in the coupling scheme. The Woods - Saxon (WS) potential was used in the CRC-calculations for the entrance reaction channel with the parameters deduced previously from the analysis of the experimental data of 11B + 14C elastic and inelastic scattering, whereas the WS potential for the exit 15C + 10B reaction channel was deduced from the fit of CRC cross-sections to the 14C(11B,10B)15C reaction experimental data. Needed for CRC-calculations spectroscopic amplitudes (factors) of the nucleons and clusters transferred in the reaction were calculated within the translational-invariant shell model. The mechanisms for one- and two-step transfers of nucleons and clusters were investigated in this reaction. The 15C + 10B potential parameters were deduced, and comparisons of the CRC reaction cross-sections calculated with the 15C + 10B and 12,13C + 10B potential parameters were performed. The differences between these CRC calculations were observed, e.g. "isotopic effects" were observed for the potentials of 10B interaction with 12,13,15C carbon isotopes.
Keywords: nuclear reaction 14C(11B,10B)15C, coupled-reaction-channels method, spectroscopic amplitudes, optical potentials, reaction mechanisms.
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