Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy

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Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy

  ISSN: 1818-331X (Print), 2074-0565 (Online)
  Publisher: Institute for Nuclear Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  Languages: Ukrainian, English, Russian
  Periodicity: 4 times per year

  Open access peer reviewed journal

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Nucl. Phys. At. Energy 2020, volume 21, issue 1, pages 101-105.
Section: Engineering and Methods of Experiment.
Received: 10.06.2019; Accepted: 19.03.2020; Published online: 14.05.2020.
PDF Full text (en)

Advantage of a dynamical (B/Gd) neutron beam cancer therapy over a stationary therapy

Nassar H. S. Haidar*

Center for Research in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Arts, Sciences and Technology University in Lebanon, Beirut, Lebanon

*Corresponding author. E-mail address:

Abstract: This communication reports on a demonstration that a dynamical neutron beam is superior, in penetrating the surface of a (B/Gd)-loaded cancerous region, to a stationary neutron beam of the same intensity. The reported analysis of this complex problem is based on a one-group neutron diffusion theory with a periodic external neutron beam source in a one-dimensional geometry.

Keywords: neutron diffusion, dynamical neutron source, cancer therapy.


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