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Physicochemical regulation of peroxidation processes in rats’ blood after incorporation of radionuclides with different tropism: 131² and 90Sr + 90Y
Yu. P. Grynevych1,*, À. ². Lypska1, ². P. Drozd1, N. O. Druzhyna2, S. V. Teletska1, L. I. Makovetska2
1 Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
2 R. Å. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology and Oncology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: The dynamics of free radical processes in the blood of mature male Wistar rats were studied by chemiluminescence after a single injection of 131I (114.8 kBq) and 90Sr + 90Y (113.9 kBq). Changes in the course of the physicochemical regulation of the prooxidant-oxidant ratio in the early stages of the influence of these radionuclides, which were manifested in the imbalance between the level of intensity of the formation of free radicals and the efficiency of their elimination by the antioxidant system, were revealed. The differences in the dynamics of free radical processes in the blood of rats are obviously due to the nuclear-physical and biological characteristics of radionuclides of various tropics.
Keywords: ñhemiluminescence, free radical processes, 131I, 90Sr + 90Y, blood, Wistar line male rats.
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