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Averaged overall atomic electrons probability of positrons annihilation at β+-decay
S. N. Fedotkin*
Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: An approximate method for calculating the probability of single-photon annihilation of a positron with an atomic electron at the β+-decay averaged over all electrons of the daughter atom is proposed. The electrons are described in the framework of the Thomas - Fermi statistical model. This approximation makes it easy the calculation of the average probabilities of various processes involving all the electrons of the atom. The total probability of single-photon annihilation is calculated using an approximate analytical expression for the atomic electrons’ density. A good agreement between the probabilities calculated in the proposed approach and the estimates obtained in the framework of quantum mechanics was obtained.
Keywords: annihilation, β+-decay, atomic shell, K-electron, Thomas - Fermi approximation.
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