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Problems and means of formation of radiation fields for functional tests and qualifications of the NPP electrical equipment
I. A. Khomych, T. V. Kovalinska*, V. I. Sakhno, Yu. V. Ivanov
Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: The current state of the experimental radiation installation of the INR of NAS of Ukraine at the last stage of its adaptation to the implementation of complex functional tests of electromechanical and electrical equipment from the list of critical and important for reliable operation of nuclear facilities for resistance to operating conditions of nuclear power plants is analyzed. The task of this stage is to imitate the radiation operating conditions of equipment operation in the pressure zone of the energy reactors in the reaction chamber of the installation. The development of technical means for the formation in the reaction chamber of installation of standard values of pure and mixed radiation fields is considered. This paper discloses the results of the final (“radiation”) phase of the creation of a research complex (simulator) at the INR to solve the current problems of increasing reliability in the nuclear power industry.
Keywords: nuclear energy, reliability, equipment qualification, functional tests, radiation fields, simulators.
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