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Recovery of the yeast cells from radiation injuries by means of the magnetic isotopes: New trend in anti-radiation biomedicine
L. V. Avdeeva1, T. A. Evstyukhina2, V. K. Koltover1,*, V. G. Korolev2, Y. A. Kutlakhmedov3
1 Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Moscow Region, Russia
2 Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics, NRC “Kurchatov Institute”, Gatchina, Leningrad Region, Russia
3 Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: Herein we present the results of studying the effects of different isotopes of magnesium, magnetic 25Mg and nonmagnetic 24Mg, upon the post-radiation recovery of yeast cells, S. cerevisiae, irradiated by short-wave UV light (240 - 260 nm) or ionizing radiation (300 Gy). The recovery process of the cells enriched with the magnetic 25Mg proceeds two times faster than the post-radiation recovery of the cells, enriched with the nonmagnetic 24Mg. After gamma-irradiation, the fraction of the irreversible damages in the cells enriched with 25Mg was 50 - 60 % less than in the cells enriched with 24Mg. Thus, the magnetic isotope effect has been detected, i.e. – the acceleration of post-radiation recovery of the cells by the magnetic isotope’s nuclear spin of magnesium (nuclear spin catalysis). Obtained results demonsrate the fundamental possibility of creating new radioprotectors and radiomitigators based on stable magnetic isotopes.
Keywords: post-radiation recovery, magnetic-isotope effect, nuclear spin catalysis, radioprotectors, radiomitigators, yeast cells, magnesium, reliability, robustness.
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