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Study of the cross sections for (γ,n)-reactions on р-nuclei 120Te, 136Cе in the giant E1 resonance energy region
V. M. Mazur1, Z. M. Bigan1, P. S. Derechkey1, V. A. Zheltonozhsky2, A. M. Savrasov2,*
1 Institute of Electronic Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Uzhhorod, Ukraine
2Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: Cross-sections of photonuclear reactions 120Te(γ,n)119Те, 136Се(γ,n)135Ce in the energy region of gamma quanta 9 - 18 MeV were studied. The measurements were carried out by activation technique. Experimental results were compared with the theoretical calculations carried out within the framework of the software package TALYS-1.9.
Keywords: 120Те, 136Се, nuclear reactions, cross-section of photonuclear reactions, giant dipole resonance, bremsstrahlung gamma-rays, isomeric states.
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