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Validation of the code package MCPV adapted for neutron transport calculation within WWER-440 reactor near-vessel space
Î. M. Pugach*, S. M. Pugach, V. L. Diemokhin, V. N. Bukanov, O. V. Grytsenko
Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: Results of the validation of the code package MCPV that is used for the irradiation conditions determination methodology of the pressure vessels and surveillance specimens of the WWER-440 type reactors of Ukrainian NPPs were presented. The validation is carried out on the basis of the experimental data obtained in mock-up and full-scale experiments. It is shown the code package MCPV may be used to simulate the neutron transport through complicated heterogeneous environment of the nuclear reactor and to obtain the valid values of the functionals of the neutron flux influencing on the pressure vessel and surveillance specimens of the WWER-440 type reactors.
Keywords: irradiation conditions, neutron transport code, validation, WWER-440.
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