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Mechanisms of 13C(11B,7Li)17O reaction at the 11B ion energy 45 MeV
S. Yu. Mezhevych1, A. T. Rudchik1,*, K. Rusek2, K. W. Kemper3, A. A. Rudchik1, O. A. Ponkratenko1, S. B. Sakuta4
1 Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
2 Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
3 Physics Department, Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA
4 National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow, Russia
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: Reaction 13C(11B,7Li)17O at the energy Ålab(11B) = 45 MeV for the ground and excited states of the 7Li and 17O nuclei was studied. The reaction experimental data were analyzed within the coupled-reaction-channels method (CRC). The 13C + 11B elastic scattering channel and one- and two-step reactions transferring nucleons and clusters were included in the coupling scheme. The spectroscopic amplitudes of nucleons and clusters needed for the CRC-calculations were computed within the translationally invariant shell model (TISM). The Woods-Saxon (WS) potential was used for the entrance reaction channel with the parameters deduced from the CRC-analysis of the 11B + 13C elastic scattering experimental data when the potential WS and the folding-potential (DF) with imaginary part, parameters of which were deduced from the fitting of the CRC cross sections to the 13C(11B,7Li)17O reaction experimental data, were used for the exit 7Li + 17O reaction channel. The parameters of the imaginary WS-potential were deduced in the same way. The parameters of the real part of this potential were obtained by fitting it to the peripheral region of the DF-potential. Isotopic differences of the 13C(11B,7Li)17O reaction cross sections using the parameters of 7Li + 17O, 7Li + 16Î and 7Li + 18O interaction for the exit reaction channel were observed.
Keywords: nuclear reactions, optical model, coupled-reaction-channels method, folding-model, spectroscopic amplitudes, optical potentials, reaction mechanisms.
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