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Dynamics of 137Cs content in the bark of Frangula alnus Mill. in the forests of Ukrainian Polissia
V. P. Krasnov1,*, T. V. Kurbet1, I. V. Davydova1, Z. M. Shelest1, O. V. Zhukovsky2, I. D. Ivanyuk3
1 Zhytomyr State Technological University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine
2 G. M. Vysotsky Polissia Branch of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Forestry and Agroforestry, Dovzhyk, Zhytomyr region, Ukraine
3 Malyn Forestry College, Gamarnia, Zhytomyr Region, Ukraine
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: Results of long-term studies of 137Cs accumulation in the Frangula alnus Mill. bark in wet subory in forests of Ukrainian Polissia are presented. The reduction of specific activity of the radionuclide in the bark of this plant and the dependence of the indicator on the density of soil radioactive contamination is shown. The redistribution of 137Cs in sod-middle-podzolic soils of Ukrainian Polissia forests in wet subory eventually is shown. It is determined that the main amount of 137Cs is currently located in the upper layers of the mineral part of the forest soil. The lower decomposed layer of the forest litter has the highest 137Cs specific activity, but due to its low density, it has the low content of the radionuclide (11.7 ± 1.3 %).
Keywords: radionuclides, medicinal plants, frangula alnus bark, soil contamination, specific activity of the radionuclide, sod-podzolic soils.
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