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Nucleus-nucleus potential, the elastic scattering and subbarrier fusion cross sections for the system 40Ña + 40Ña
Î. I. Davydovska, V. Yu. Denisov*, V. O. Nesterov
Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: Effective nucleus-nucleus potential is studied within the framework of the double folding approach, where the contribution of the kinetic energy of the nucleons is taken into account additionally. The potentials of nucleus-nucleus interaction for the system 40Ña + 40Ña with and without the internal kinetic energy of the nucleons are obtained. It is shown that the accounting of the contribution of kinetic energy to the potential allows to simultaneously describe the experimental cross sections of the subbarrier fusion and elastic scattering.
Keywords: nucleus, interaction potential, nucleon distribution density, fusion cross-section, kinetic energy, elastic scattering.
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