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Self-diffusion of water molecules after contact with silicon-containing compounds
V. I. Slisenko1, O. A. Vasylkevych1,*, N. I. Mazina1, T. V. Karmazina2
1 Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
2 Institute of Colloid and Water Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: Influence of crystalline and amorphous silica on the diffusion coefficients of water molecules according to the experimental data on quasi-elastic scattering of slow neutrons is quantified. It was established that after the contact of silicon-containing compounds of natural origin chalcedony and spongolit with water, the mechanisms of its self-diffusion are significantly changed: self-diffusion is carried out only by the mechanism of continuous diffusion; the magnitude of the total self-diffusion coefficient of water molecules decreases and there is no contribution from the activation mechanism of self-diffusion by at least 24 hours after separation of the solid phase from the liquid. The pyrogenic amorphous silica has relatively little effect on the diffusion of water molecules.
Keywords: quasi-elastic scattering of slow neutrons, self diffusion coefficient, crystal-like and amorphous silica, silicon-containing compounds, aerosil, spongolit, chalcedony.
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