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Constant support of physical calculations subsystem of in-core monitoring system “Voyage”
V. V. Galchenko1,2,*, A. A. Mishin2, I. I. Shlapak1
1 Private Joint Stock Company “Severodonetsk Research and Production Association “Impulse”, Severodonetsk, Ukraine
2 Limited Liability Company “Nuclear Power Plant Operational Support Institute”, Kyiv, Ukraine
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: In this study a brief description of the polynomial interpolation of few-group constants on sparse grids for VVER-1000 reactor is adduced. The calculations about various burnup instances were made for the method. Besides, comparative analysis of the irregularity factor of kv è kq calculation was made with the help of the preparation of constants by using this method while arranging by different software products.
Keywords: in-core monitoring system, HELIOS, VVER-1000, cross-section, power distribution, computer codes.
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