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Dynamics of physico-chemical forms of radionuclides in the bottom sediments of cooling pond of the ChNPP after their drying: 1. Model experiment
V. P. Protsak1,*, Î. Î. Odintsov2, Y. V. Khomutinin1, M. A. Jurba1, N. M. Prokopchuk1, V. O. Kashparov1Abstract: Dynamics of the forms of radionuclides in the bottom sediments of cooling pond of the ChNPP after their drying and exposure in full-scale conditions has been estimated by the method of successive leaching. According to the results of the research the main part of the radionuclides (> 90 %) continues to be in the non-exchange state for 4 years after drying. Significant part of the radionuclides remains not recovered from the solid phase of bottom sediments of cooling pond of the ChNPP even after using "super-hard" extraction conditions. This indicates the presence of 90Sr, 238,239,240Pu, 241Am and part of 137Cs in the composition of chemically stable fuel particles. Therefore, this part of radionuclides can not be mobilized in natural conditions for dozens of years. The obtained results indicate that on the drained parts of the cooling pond bed of the ChNPP one should not expect significant increase of mobility and bioavailability of radionuclides in the next 5 - 10 years.
Keywords: sequential leaching of radionuclides, forms finding of radionuclides, radioactive contamination, bottom sediments, cooling pond of the ChNPP.
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