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7Li(15N,14C)8Be reaction and 13,14C + 8Be nuclei interactions
À. Ò. Rudchik1,*, À. À. Rudchik1, L. M. Muravynets1, K. W. Kemper2, Ê. Rusek3, E. ². Koshchy4, E. Piasecki3, A. Trczinska3, Val. Ì. Pirnak1, Î. À. Ponkratenko1, V. À. Plujko5, I. Strojek6, A. Stolarz3, S. B. Sakuta7, À. P. Ilyin1, Yu. M. Stepanenko1, V. V. Uleshchenko1, Yu. O. Shyrma1Abstract: Angular distributions of the 7Li(15N,14C)8Be reaction were measured at the energy Elab(15N) = 81 MeV. The reaction data were analyzed within coupled-reaction-channels (CRC) method. The 7Li + 15N elastic and inelastic scattering and the more important one- and two-step transfers of this reaction were included in the channels-coupling scheme. Previously the 7Li + 15N optical potential parameters were deduced from the CRC analysis of the 7Li + 15N elastic scattering data at Elab(15N) = 81 MeV. The spectroscopic amplitudes needed for CRC-calculations of the reaction were calculated within the translational invariant shell model (TISM). CRC analysis of the 7Li(15N,14C) reaction data showed the p transfer dominants in this reaction. The parameters of the 14C + 8Be optical potential were deduced from CRC analysis of the reaction data and were compared with that of the 13C + 8Be potential parameters deduced previously from CRC analysis of 9Be(12C,13C)8Be reaction data. The isotopic differences are observed.
Keywords: heavy-ion scattering, optical model, coupled-reaction-channels method, spectroscopic amplitudes, optical potentials, reaction mechanisms.
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