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On the origin of metal impurities in content of lava-like fuel-containing materials of Chornobyl NSC-Shelter object
O. V. Mikhailov*Abstract: Version of the origin of material metallic impurities in silicate matrix of lava-like fuel-containing masses (LFCM), which were formed during the Chernobyl Unit 4 accident, is presented. Based on comparative quantitative characteristics of observable mass ratios of iron, chromium and nickel in different LFCM clusters and potential sources of their appearance - metal structures, the degree of impact of various factors on the formation of metal components in Chernobyl corium (MCC) was given. It was concluded that initial MCC composition was formed on the basis of 08X18H10T stainless steel melt, from which the elements of fuel channel structure and lower water pipelines were manufactured.
Keywords: severe accident at NPP, corium, steel structures of nuclear reactor, fuel-containing materials, sacrificial materials.
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