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Modification of cadmium accumulation by maize seedlings by acute γ-irradiation of seeds
Yu. À. Êutlahmedov1,*, V. V. Schwartau2, L. M. Ìykhalska2, S. À. Pchelovska1, À. G. Salivon1,Abstract: Results of the study of effect of preliminary γ-irradiation of maize seeds and cadmium chloride entering into the nutrient medium of sprouts on their absorption and growth characteristics in the water culture conditions have been presented. The radiocapacity factor by the tracer 137Cs was used as the absorption characteristic. Seeds were irradiated at a dose of 35 Gy, the concentration of submitted cadmium chloride was 10, 20 and 40 μM on 0,5 l. It has been established that the preliminary acute γ-irradiation of maize seeds at a dose 35 Gy has a positive effect on the maize plants growth and absorption characteristics in the water culture conditions. Quantitative evaluation of character of the radiation and chemical factors interaction by the coefficient of synergy has shown that the radiation and toxic factors interact nonadditively. The cadmium accumulation of maize sprouts in water culture has the values from 7 to 21 % of the initially introduced amount. It is shown that the radiocapacity factor by the 137Cs tracer is adequate and convenient parameter of maize plants in water culture condition and its reaction to the γ-irradiation and introduction of CdCl2 salt influence.
Keywords: γ-irradiation, cadmium chloride, radiocapacity factor, combined influence, synergism.
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