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Gamma-rays from natSn and natC induced by fast neutrons
I. M. Kadenko1, V. A. Plujko1,*, B. M. Bondar1,2, O. M. Gorbachenko1, B. Yu. Leshchenko1,3, K. M. Solodovnyk1Abstract: The cross-sections of prompt gamma-ray production from natSn and natC elements induced by 14.1-MeV neutrons were measured. The time-of-flight technique was used for n-γ discrimination. The experimental results were compared with theoretical calculations performed by Empire 3.2 and Talys 1.6 codes using different models for photon strength function and nuclear level density.
Keywords: fast neutrons, prompt gamma-rays, time-of-flight technique, Empire 3.2 and Talys 1.6 codes, photon strength function, nuclear level density.
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