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To the nature of 0+ excitations in deformed nuclei of actinides
A. I. Levon1,*, P. Alexa2, S. Pascu3, P. G. Thirolf4Abstract: The excitation spectra in the deformed nucleus 232U have been studied by means of the (p, t) reaction. 0+ assignments for 13 excited states and up to spin 6+ for other states are made from the angular distributions of tritons and the coupled-channel approximation analysis. Sequences of states are selected which can be treated as rotational bands. Moments of inertia have been derived from these sequences, whose values may be considered as evidence of the two- or one-phonon nature of these 0+ excitations. Experimental data are compared with interacting boson model (IBM) and quasiparticle-phonon model (QPM) calculations.
Keywords: 0+ states, collective bands, moments of inertia, nuclear models.
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