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Cytogenetic assessment of the effect of radioecological situation to the residents of Zhovti Vody city
L. K. Bezdrobna1,*, L. V. Tarasenko1, T. V. Tsyganok1, T. V. Melnyk1, V. A. Kurochkina1,Abstract: Results of chromosomal aberration frequency and the spectrum study in peripheral blood lymphocytes cultures of the residents at age of 19 - 60 in Zhovti Vody city (n = 42) and Kyiv (n = 42), who did not have professional contact with radiation and others mutagenic factors, and also the incidence analysis of adult population of these cities and Ukraine in total are given. Average frequency of metaphases with chromosomal aberration and chromosome type aberrations specific to the action of the radiation factor, namely unstable interchromosomal exchanges with the accompanying fragment and without fragment, free acentrics, atypical monocentrics and chromatid type aberrations, that represent the total genome instability, is significantly higher in the group of Zhovti Vody's residents comparing to the group of Kyiv’s residents. Futhermore, multiaberrant cells in three persons from Zhovti Vody were found. The morbidity of malignant tumors in Zhovti Vody is higher than in Kyiv and in Ukraine in total.
Keywords: cytogenetic study, the culture of peripheral blood lymphocytes, chromosomes aberrations, multiaberrant cells, morbidity.
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