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Using of the Serpent code based on the Monte-Carlo method for calculation of the VVER-1000 fuel assembly characteristics
V. V. Galchenko1, V. I. Gulik2,*, I. I. Shlapak1Abstract: The description of calculation scheme of fuel assembly for preparation of few-group characteristics is considered with help of Serpent code. This code uses the Monte-Carlo method and energy continuous microscopic data libraries. Serpent code is devoted for calculation of fuel assembly characteristics, burnup calculations and preparation of few-group homogenized macroscopic cross-sections. The results of verification simulations in comparison with other codes (WIMS, HELIOS, NESSEL etc.), which are used for neutron-physical analysis of VVER type fuel, are presented.
Keywords: fuel assembly, VVER-1000, Monte Carlo method, reactor calculation, Serpent, MCNP, SCALE, WIMSD5B.
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