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137Cs redistribution in time in wet bory and sugrudy soils in forests of Ukrainian Polissia
V. P. Krasnov1,*, T. V. Kurbet1, Z. M. Shelest1, O. L. Boiko2Abstract: The data on 137Cs distribution in sod-podzol forest soils of Ukrainian Polissia contaminated by radionuclides after Chornobyl accident are presented. Researches were conducted on the permanent sample areas in wet bory and sugrudy in 2000 and in 2012 years. It is proved that 137Cs migration from the forest litter to the soil mineral part occurred comparatively quickly. It can be explained by a thin layer and a high mineralization of the forest litter in wet sugrudy. Nevertheless, wet bory are characterized by more intensive radionuclide migration to the deeper layers of the soil mineral part. Such regularity can be explained by a small amount of humus and fine-dispersed particles as well as higher soil acidity in wet bory.
Keywords: radionuclides, soil radiation contamination, radionuclide specific activity, forest plantations, sod-podzol soils.
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