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Peculiarities of absorbed dose forming in some wild animals in Chornobyl exclusion zone
V. A. Gaychenko*, O. Yu. KrainiukAbstract: Based on field researches conducted in the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the years after the accident, the peculiarities are identified of formation of absorbed doses in animals of different taxonomic and ecological groups that live in conditions of radioactive contamination of ecosystems. It was shown importance of consideration of radiation features on wild animals according to their life cycle, conditions and ways of life. Data were displayed about the importance of different types of irradiation according to the period of stay of the animals in the ground, in burrows and nests. The questions were reviewed about value of external and internal radiation in absorbed dose of different types of wildlife. Results of the calculation of the absorbed dose of bird embryos from egg shell were shown.
Keywords: absorbed dose, wild animals, murine rodents, birds, ungulates, γ-irradiation, β-irradiation.
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