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Analysis of the dependence parametrization of the allocations of heavy ions on light nuclei elastic scattering diffraction maxima from the projectile energy
O. A. Ponkratenko*, Val. M. Pirnak, A. A. Rudchik, Yu. M. Stepanenko, V. V. Uleschenko, Yu. O. ShyrmaAbstract: Diffraction range of available experimental differential cross sections of heavy ions on light nuclei elastic scattering for 17 pairs of the interacting nuclei with 4 ≤ À ≤ 20 have been analyzed in the projectile energy wide interval from 1 to 100 ÌåV/nucleon. Diffraction maxima and minima positions in the transferred momentum coordinates depending on projectile energy demonstrate smooth behavior at energies higher 2 - 4 ÌeV/nucleon, and practically do not depend on energy at energies up to 30 - 40 ÌåV/nucleon. These energy dependences of maxima (minima) positions can be parameterized by simple functions. It was found the suitable approximations that describe reasonably the energy dependence of the maxima (minima) positions of the experimental elastic scattering differential cross sections. These approximations were evaluated with the same parameters for all colliding nuclei groups.
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