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Peat soils sandsing influence to 137Cs reduce in plants
Î. V. Kosarchuk*, Ì. M. Lazarev, S. V. PolishchukAbstract: Uniqueness of radioecological situation in Ukraine is due to the presence of large areas of peat soils spread, for which abnormally high rates of radioactive cesium in plants are observed. Even in 30 years after the Chernobyl accident, agricultural products exceeding the requirements of AS-06 on peat soils with levels of contamination by 137Cs of about 37 kBk/m2 is produced. Developed and tested traditional antiradiation measures did not receive, due to some circumstances, the state support for the contaminated area. Therefore, we proposed alternative approaches to improve the radioecological situation on the contaminated peat soils.
Keywords: 137Cs, coefficient of accumulation, radioactively contaminated land, agricultural plants.1. V.A. Pronevych. Scientific basis of drained peatlands rehabilitation and radiological safety in Polesie agricultural eco-systems. Abstract of Thesis of Dr. of Agricultural Science (Kyiv, 2015) 40 p. (Ukr)
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3. F.R. Zaidelman, A.P. Shvarov. Pyrogenic and hydrothermal degradation of peat soils, their agroecology, farming sand cultures, recultivation (Moskva: Izd-vo Moskov. un-ta, 2002) 167 p. (Rus) Book
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8. I.S. Kauricheva (Ed.). Practicum on Agrology (Moskva: Kolos, 1973) 279 p. (Rus)
9. O.F. Gnatenko, L.R. Petrenko, M.V. Kapshtyk et al. Agrology. Laboratory Practicum (Kyiv: National Agrarian University Publishing Center, 2000) 170 p. (Ukr)
10. V.P. Feshchenko, B.V. Borysyuk, M.K. Volynchuk, M.O. Klymenko. Research Metrology and Methodology in Radiology (Zhytomyr, 2004) 160 p. (Ukr)
11. B.S. Prister (Ed.). Agricultural Production in the Areas Contaminated by the Chernobyl Disaster in the Remote Period (Recommendations) (Kyiv: Atika, 2007) 196 p. (Ukr)
12. G.P. Perepelyatnikov, N.P. Omel'yanenko, L.V. Perepelyatnikova. Some questions of forage production technologies in conditions of radioactive contamination. Problems of Agricultural Radiology: Scientific Papers, ed. by N.A. Loshchilov (Kyiv, 1993) p. 115. (Rus)