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Determination of 90Sr in water by direct measurement using liquid scintillation counter
G. V. Laptev, L. S. Pirnach*, T. I. DyvakAbstract: Results of research showing the possibility of direct measurements of 90Sr on liquid scintillation spectrometer using registration of the Cherenkov luminescence and radiation in scintillation cocktail on a series of water samples, collected on territory with radioactive contamination after the Chernobyl accident, are shown. Solution for quench correction and accounting on presence within the sample of 137Cs are also demonstrated. Results have shown good correspondence to that received by classical radiochemical analysis. The best performance in term of quality of registration was shown by the method of measurement with using scintillation cocktail.
Keywords: method of 90Sr determination, liquid scintillation, radioactive pollution.1. Acceptable Levels of 137Cs and 90Sr Radionuclides in Food and Drinking Water (DR-97): State Hygienic Standards (Kyiv, Chornobylinterinform, 1997) 10 p. (Ukr)
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